Post Election Feb 2006January 23, 2006Alhmdou lillah, we done what we could to get the best exposure for Muslims in this election campaign. But now we should look beyond this election, as we learned our lessons from this election and the last ones. It is certainly too late to wait until the election to start campaigning fro our issues. We should have a five year plan to help protect our rights, and before the next election is called (which may be very soon). The following points should be acted upon as soon as possible by everyone, individuals and organisations: 1) Tonight, regardless who will win, we can expect a lot of changes at the Liberal party. Supposedly the moderate party. Muslim youths should start by now buying membership to the Liberal party, to make sure that the new party leader is a moderate and willing to listen attentively to Muslims, and to make sure that no one will be allowed to influence the party so strong against our causes. Unfortunately, current leadership of the party gave us the worse of the 'Left' and the worse of the 'Right' ideologies. They tilted strongly to the 'Left,' and away from religion, and strongly to the 'Right' and away from social solidarity. We have to work toward correcting this shift from within the party. This could easily be done from within the party if we have good number of Muslims becoming members of the party. This will also give chance for number of Muslims to contest next election, soon to come, in the ridings where Muslims constitute large numbers. Such as Papineau, South Shore, Ahuntsic, and other ridings that may become vacant tonight. |