Muslim Council of Montreal congratulates winners of Federal Elections

May 3, 2011

Montreal, Quebec, May 3rd, 2011- The Muslim Council of Montreal (MCM) congratulates the winners of the Canadian Federal Election and salutes all candidates for their efforts to serve the nation.

“We congratulate all the winners of the federal election and hope they will continue their efforts to work for the betterment of Canada and all Canadians,” stated Salam Elmenyawi, president of MCM. “The election campaign was a good occasion for all citizens and politicians to discuss the issues that are important in our country and we were happy to have the opportunity to sit down with many of our MPs and future MPs for serious dialogue and reflection. We hope that this will not end now that the campaign is over and that all MPs across Canada will continue to work closely with their constituents, to listen to their voices and serve their welfare and best interest.

We hope to see good government, positive change and a brighter future for our country and look forward to working with all others to achieve this.”



Salam Elmenyawi

Muslim Council of Montreal (MCM)

Ph.: (514) 748-8427




The Muslim Council of Montreal (MCM) is an umbrella organization representing a number of Islamic institutions in the Montreal region. There are over 250,000 Muslims in Montreal, about 1,100,000 in Canada and 1.9 billion worldwide.

